Breaking Cycles, Finding Balance: Therapy for Intimacy, Eating and Financial Healing

Our Specialities

  • heather-lowrey-therapist-csat-intimacy-sex-additction-allen-frisco-plano-richardson-tacoma-bellevuetexas

    Intimacy Disorders

    When the desire and pursuit of romantic or sexual fulfillment becomes all-consuming, it is a sign that perhaps we are trying to fill another emotional need. This includes compulsive sexual behaviors, fantasizing or fixation on new relationships and staying in emotionally unhealthy relationships.

  • heather-lowrey-therapist-csat-intimacy-eating-disorders-diet-seattle-bipoc-body-image-washington-texas

    Disordered Eating

    Understand how hyperfocus on food and preoccupation with body size, shape and weight may be used to manage feelings of overwhelm, anxiety, helplessness and powerlessness. We are also able to offer support for clients considering bariatric surgery.

  • heather-lowrey-therapist-csat-money-financial-seattle-washington-dallas-texas-allen-plano-mckinney-prosper-anna-melissa-bipoc

    Work & Financial Stress

    Our beliefs about money and work are formed early in our lives and impact our behaviors, relationships and choices more than you think. Both the over-focus and the avoidance of money inhibits our ability to connect with ourselves and cause conflict in our relationships.

  • race-bipoc-black therapist-money-interracial-dating-racial-seattle-washington-dallas-texas-allen-mckinney

    Racial Identity & Healing

    Living in a world that frequently overlooks or invalidates the effects of discrimination and bias can lead to feelings of anger, anxiety and isolation. Racial healing work is crucial for emotional resilience and reclaiming one's sense of self.